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Counselling as a Career...

Below are our articles on the subject of Counselling as a Career. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
A Counsellor's Job Profile
A Counsellor's Job Profile
Working as a counsellor can offer you a rewarding package. You can have the feeling-good aspect of helping others to overcome personal problems and issues, as well as…...
Attitudes and Qualities of a Counsellor
Attitudes and Qualities of a Counsellor
To build the ideal counselling relationship a counsellor must demonstrate a clear understanding of the principles of counselling, but also show they possess vital…...
Counselling Do You Have What it Takes?
Counselling Do You Have What it Takes?
Counselling is a rewarding profession that requires a developed level of self-knowledge, understanding, empathy and listening ability. For these reasons only certain…...
Paid Counselling Opportunities
Paid Counselling Opportunities
As the interest in counselling continues to steadily rise the number of paid counselling vacancies available continues to decrease. Demand for full-time or part-time…...
Voluntary Counselling Opportunities
Voluntary Counselling Opportunities
Working within the voluntary sector provides many counsellors with a valuable opportunity to increase their understanding of the counselling process, whilst also…...
What Qualifications are Needed?
What Qualifications are Needed?
If you already have some experience of counselling the study options available to you will be more flexible than if you have no experience in this field. However,…...