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The Merits of Co-counselling

By: Anna Martin - Updated: 22 Dec 2015 | comments*Discuss
Co-counselling Individual Emotional

Co-Counselling is a humanistic approach of becoming more self-aware, responsible and compassionate. It is a form of personal growth and self-discovery that enables you to be more creative, assertive and lovingly expressive, whilst also using these skills in your relationships with others.

How Co-Counselling Works

In order to gain the most from the co-counselling process it is essential to understand the basic requirements and guidelines. Co-counselling is a self-exploratory method of identifying issues and problems and of finding creative ways of working through these limitations. This is done with the help of a supportive network of emotionally open friends, family members, colleagues and other willing helpers.

By taking the time to explore old self-limiting patterns of behaviour, and thoughts and emotions that have been suppressed, an individual is able to acknowledge and understand the blocks that prevent personal progression and development.

What Makes Co-Counselling Different

Unlike the traditional form of counselling that may involve an exchange of money or structured planning co-counselling provides a support system that is experiential and has no restrictions. Reciprocal support is exchanged for time within a network of people who are compassionate, understanding and inspirational.

One of the key ideas behind co-counselling is the learning of self-direction. This simply means that an individual takes full responsibility of direction, expression and depth of counselling process.

Is Co-Counselling Right For You?

Many people find it difficult to explore emotional issues with someone they feel is in a position of authority. Visiting a counsellor, for some people, can be an intimidating experience. Co-counselling, therefore, aims to bridge the gap between conventional counselling and no counselling or support at all.

Co-counselling is most suited to individuals who are already self-aware to some degree. A willingness to explore limiting beliefs and to tackle emotional blocks will ensure that an individual who is being co-counselled will get a great deal from the supportive experience. Not only will they be encouraged to identify, understand and accept emotional issues but they will also gain knowledge and skills that will help them support others who are going through similar personal experiences.

Co-counselling however, is not suitable for individuals dependent on substances like drugs or alcohol, as these stimulants affect the mind and impact on the attention an individual is able to give another person.

What Training in Co-Counselling Can Offer

Co-counselling is an intensive, challenging and rewarding experience that relies on your personal involvement and willingness to explore your own personal development. Participants are responsible for their own level of learning and for exploring personal creativity and awareness. Besides the basic supportive relationship grounding a course in co-counselling also provides insight into the practice of free attention, the contradiction of familiar repressions and the liberation of creativity.

A counsellor’s toolkit also includes key skills like attention, observation, support and intervention. Once an individual has explored and developed these core support skills they are free to offer support and assistance in whatever way feels best for them. A co-counselling skills course will also be able to offer potential counsellors a good grounding in increasing interpersonal skills, compassion and assertiveness.

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It is not very clear from above how to set up own practice. To become a self-employed counsellor do I need to register as a business operating from Home & different locations. Regards Mimi
Mimi - 22-Dec-15 @ 10:32 PM
This webpage has provided me with brilliant information, keep it going! hats off (YY)
Arifaaaaaaaaaaaaa - 2-Oct-12 @ 2:49 PM
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